Ginseng Bird's Nest With Fungus 蜂标冰糖泡参雪耳燕窝—75ml X 6 bottles

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SPECIAL DISCOUNT CODE ( for Bird's Nest only): BN0010

Ginseng Bird's Nest With Fungus 蜂标冰糖泡参雪耳燕窝—75ml X 6 bottles


Bee’s Brand Ginseng Bird’s Nest With White Fungus & Rock Sugar is prepared from cleaned feather-free swiftlet nest with Ginseng, White Fungusand rock sugar using the traditional method. Bird’s Nest is well-know for its high nutritions value and its benefits to complexion therefore Bird’s Nest has been held in high esteem in Chinese Culture. Extra care and consideration have been taken during preparation, no artifical additives has been added
so to preserve the original, unique taste of the Bird’s Nest .

蜂标泡参冰糖雪耳燕窝采用上等正宗名岩燕窝和雪耳洗净后加泡参和冰糖以传统 方法精心制造而成。 产品以高温高压杀菌,不含任何人造色素,香料或防腐剂, 卫生安全,是纯正天然保健品。 可即开即食,极为方便,亦可加热或冰冻,全视个人口味, 冷食或热食,功效特佳。

[ Ingredients 成分 ]

Bird’s Nest, Ginseng, White Fungus, Rock Sugar, Water.


Net Content : 75ml x 6 Bottles
Storage : Keep Refrigerated (需冷藏于冰箱) 
Product of : Singapore